Hello, my name is Macy; I was 13 years old on September 14, 2020. I am a Black Lab/ German Shorthair Pointer Mix and I am the Senior Greeter here at Armitage's Auto. My job duties are quite simple: to make each and every person coming through our door feel as welcome as I possibly can (whether they've come for our automotive service, our enhanced inspection services or our notary, tag and titling services)! I can't wait to go to work most mornings, Monday - Thursday (our weekends are for more fun times at home). The other part of my job is teaching my sister some manners/etiquette. She hasn't quite gotten the one about respecting her elders, (namely me), but we're working on it!! My little sister's name is Maddie; she helps me with the greeting duties. She is a purebred Lab and since she was only 9 years old on January 10, 2021 she has more energy than I do...but remember, with age comes wisdom (need I say more?)!! For example, she loves to play ball and will run all over the place to chase her ball when someone throws it! While I, on the other hand, just wait for her to come back with the ball - and then I chase her! (Well, not so much anymore as I do not get around quite as well as I used to...but I can still go through all the motions to make her think that the game is on!!) We love making new friends and seeing our old friends, so please, stop in to see us.We are looking forward to seeing you and to assisting you with whatever your situation may be. We will be here, waiting to greet you, with eyes a-shining and tails a-wagging!!
UPDATE: Sadly, Macy and Maddie went to the Rainbow Bridge together on Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021. They both had seperate issues; Macy had sight/mobility issues that had gotten progressively worse and Maddie developed a "very, very aggressive" form of cancer. Until recently, they had always been together (recent doctor appointments had necessitated Maddie leaving Macy at home and Macy was not happy about this change), so less than 1 month after Maddie's diagnosis, Maddie stopped eating and we made the heartbreaking decision to put them to rest together.
Peaceful Pet Passage is a God-send. We didn't need to figure out how to get "the girls" into the car for a stressful trip to the vet; they were able to go to sleep... together at home.
I have struggled with when (this part of the struggle being a personal battle, as I didn't know how soon I'd be ready to tell this part) and also how I was going to end their story for you. Thank you to those of you who had stopped in and asked about "the girls". My apologies, again, for turning into a wet mess; your concern for their well being, as well as ours, was so very much appreciated!
I will probably leave their story here for a while yet, but because the house has been too quiet and we miss all the tail wagging and shiny eyes, we decided to adopt 2 more black lab puppies. They are siblings...a brother and sister. They will start their first day of greeter duty on Monday, November 8, 2021! And so with tears in our eyes, we will go forward to start the sequel to this story...stay tuned!

- State Inspection & Emissions Tests
- Diagnostics
- Computerized 4-Wheel Alignments
- Head Gaskets
- Tires - Mounted & Balanced
- Batteries
- Motorcycle Inspections
- Enhanced Safety Inspection for Reconstructed, Specially Constructed, Modified Vehicles & Street Rods
- Mileage Services
- Fully Equipped Machine Shop
- Lube, Oil and Filter
- Exhaust
- Brakes
- Notary, Tag and Title Work
Hello, we are Maddox and Myca (the sequel to Macy and Maddie's story). We are the new greeters here at Armitage's Auto. Although we have big shoes to fill, we think we will "grow" into the job and be able to add something special to the task at hand!
We were born on September 13, 2021 (just one day shy of our big sister Macy's birthday; how special is that?!!). Our mother is a chocolate English lab and our father is a black English lab. There were 6 other pups born in "our" litter; 5 chocolate and 1 other black pup (our Mom was very tired from taking care of all of us, but we made up for it by being so darn cute and loveable).
As with all siblings, there is the eternal battle to decide who is boss (we are still trying to work this out and have more or less agreed to disagree), we both love the water and don't mind the mud, either. There are already numerous "dog" towels in pertinant areas of the garage, entry way and pool house; we make sure they get used often (which for some reason always makes our hooman Mom sigh and our hooman Dad laugh..we don't get it). Of course, "eat, hungry, treat, cookie and out" are some of our favorite words, usually not too crazy about "bed and go in" (really don't like the words "bad and no-no" which Mom and Dad always say in a way that takes all the fun out of whatever we were doing). Hoomans...they're great, but sometimes hard to understand!
We have met some of you and are greatly looking forward to seeing you again; if we haven't met yet, we also enjoy making new friends, so stop in to visit with us and our hoomans (you'll probably like them, too)!!